Saturday, October 16, 2010

Left 4 Dead Build menu

Place this file into your scripts folder and OVERWRITE your old radialmenu /back it up before if you intend on reverting to original sometime/, then
open up left 4 dead, once inside the menu press the tilda key to open up the console /or whatever your key is/, then copy and paste each of these binds
into the console one by one,once that is finished start a game and use these binded keys to place items
Z spawns zombies, G, H, and N are props, J is cheats, v rotates the item, and b deletes the item, be careful not to delete your friend as it will mess up
their left 4 dead also DONT DELETE YOURSELF, you will crash your left 4 dead!

bind "g" "+mouse_menu BarricadeBuilder"
bind "h" "+mouse_menu Vehicles"
bind "j" "+mouse_menu Cheats"
bind "n" "+mouse_menu Moreprops"
bind "k" "+mouse_menu HouseProps"
bind "l" "+mouse_menu BuildingProps"
bind "v" "ent_rotate 22.5"
bind "b" ent_remove

~Bob's Building Mod has been brought to you by SaberXpert.~

Minigun no mercy FINALE ONLY
ent_create prop_minigun; ent_setname Minigun_1; ent_fire Minigun_1 addoutput "modelindex 306"; ent_fire Minigun_1 addoutput "MaxYaw 90.00"; ent_fire Minigun_1 addoutput "MaxPitch 40.00"; ent_fire Minigun_1 addoutput "MinPitch -30.00"

Friday, October 15, 2010

Left 4 Dead Admin Commands

Allows admins or players to set glow. Admins require ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1 to use the console commands. Players must use chat/say triggers. Players use it by saying "glow colors" for a list, "glow " to glow, or "glow none" to turn it off.

Unfortunately, glow is used a bit loosely here. It's more like "very slight translucency with a solid color set to the player's model."

The glow renders don't appear to work on player model's, at least not in CSS.

  • sm_glowset
    • Sets or removes a player's glow.
  • sm_glowcolors
    • Prints the list of valid colors
  • sm_glow
    • Turns glow plugin on and off.
    • Default on
    • Set to 0 or 1
  • sm_glow_self
    • Turns on player's ability to set their own glow
    • Default on
    • Set to 0 or 1
  • sm_glow_ad
    • If sm_glow_self is on, will cause a brief ad message for the plugin.
    • Default on
    • Set to 0 or 1

Special Weapon , include grenade launcher,laser gun, special interaction, flamethrower, work only in coop mode.
1. Fire when Hold USE key will get into special weapon mode.
2. say:!bind to bind keys.
3. Press B to plant or defuse TNT, press T to detonate TNT.
4. Press X to pecial interaction, press Z to flamethrower.
6. Say:!selfkill to suicide.
7: Kill infected to get special weapon.

Sorry for bad description and thanks for suggestion.
!bullet ---------------------show bullet.
!tntplant -------------------plant tnt, default bind to B
!tntstart -------------------detonate tnt, default bind to T
!grab ----------------------special interaction, default bind to X
!flame ---------------------flamethrower, default bind to Z
!tripmine---------------------plant tripmine, default bind to V
!selfkill ---------------------suicide
!bind -----------------------bind B,T,Z,X for special weaopn.
!addbullet ------------------give one special weapon to every one.(admin)
!resetbullet -----------------reset
special weapon for every one.(admin)

some convars:
l4d_weapon_autobind 0 ---------------------0: say:!bind to bind or unbind keys , 1: auto bind when player put in server;
l4d_weapon_versus 0 ------------------------0: disable for versus, 1:enable for versus

l4d_weapon_key_flame "z" --------------------bind key for flamethrower
l4d_weapon_key_grab "x" ---------------------bind key for special interaction
l4d_weapon_key_tntstart "t" ------------------bind key for plant tnt
l4d_weapon_key_tntplant "b" ---------------- bind key for
detonate tnt
l4d_weapon_key_tripmine "v" ---------------- bind key for plant tripmine

"l4d_weapon_killcountsetting", "30", "How much Infected a Player has to kill to win a special weapon."
"l4d_weapon_killcountforSI", "3", "How many Common Infected = a Special Infected"
"l4d_weapon_start_point", "2", "start point for every special weapon"
"l4d_weapon_killshow", "2", "show msg when get special weapon, 0:diable, 1, chat, 2, chat all, 3, Hint box "

"l4d_weapon_enable_tripmine", "1", "tripmine , 0:disable, 1:enable"

"l4d_weapon_enable_interaction", "1", "interaction"
"l4d_weapon_enable_smg", "1", "smg"
"l4d_weapon_enable_rifle", "1", "rifle"
"l4d_weapon_enable_hunting_rifle", "1", "hunting_rifle"
"l4d_weapon_enable_shotgun", "1", "shotgun"
"l4d_weapon_enable_tnt", "1", "TNT"
"l4d_weapon_enable_flame", "1", "flame"

sm_addbanbasebansrconAdds a Steam ID to Source's ban list.
sm_adminadminmenuadminDisplays the admin menu.
sm_banbasebansban<#userid|name> [reason]Bans a client.
sm_banipbasebansrcon Adds an IP address to Source's ban list. Only someone with rcon access can ban an arbitrary IP.
sm_cancelvotebasecommandsvoteCancels any vote in progress.
sm_cvarbasecommandscvar [value]Retrieves or changes a cvar value. Protected cvars can only be accessed with rcon access, and sv_cheats can only be accessed with cheat access.
sm_execcfgbasecommandsconfigExecutes a config file (path not needed, but extension is).
sm_helpadminhelpadminsearch]Lists all admin commands. Output is paginated and a page number can be specified. Alternately, a search term can be specified to search for a specific command.
sm_kickbasecommandskick<#userid|name> [reason]Kicks a player.
sm_mapbasecommandsmapChanges the current map.
sm_rconbasecommandsrconExecutes the argument string via rcon. Due to Source limitations, you cannot see any RCON output.
sm_reloadadminsbasecommandsconfigRefreshes the Admin cache from all sources.
sm_unbanbasebansunbanUnbans a Steam ID or an IP.
sm_whobasecommandsadmin[#userid|name]Lists all users and their access rights, or a specific user's access rights.

Extended Commands

These commands provide extended functionality that may not be present on all games, either due to game or engine differences. In general, they work on the most popular mods. If you have a mod which is new, or not supported yet due to lower popularity, file a feature request.

sm_beaconfuncommandsslayAdds a ring around each target, making them easily visible.
sm_burnfuncommandsslay [time]Sets the target(s) on fire for the specified amount of time. This may or may not work fully on certain games (for example, TF2 is missing the fire sprite, but clients will bleed/lose health). If specified, burning effect will stop after the [time] seconds.
sm_chatbasechatchatSends a say-chat message to all admins.
sm_csaybasechatchatSends a centered message to all players.
sm_gagbasecommchatPrevents the target(s) from using messagemode/say chat.
sm_hsaybasechatchatSends a message to all players via a center-bottom hint box.
sm_msaybasechatchatSends a message as a menu panel (only meaningful on games that support radio menus).
sm_mutebasecommchatPrevents the target(s) from using voice chat.
sm_playsoundsadmin Plays a sound file on the server to each target.
sm_psaybasechatchat Sends a private chat message to a single target.
sm_renameplayercommandsslay<#userid|name>Changes the name of a player.
sm_resetcvarbasecommandscvarResets CVAR value back to default.
sm_saybasechatchatSends a say-chat message to all players.
sm_silencebasecommchatPerforms both a gag and mute on the target(s).
sm_slapplayercommandsslay [damage]"Slaps" a player, emitting a noise and throwing them in a random direction. If specified, the damage amount will be subtracted from each target's health.
sm_slayplayercommandsslayKills a player.
sm_tsaybasechatchat[color] Sends a top-left message to all players. If no color is specified, the text will be white. Colors available are: white, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, cyan, orange, pink, olive, lime, violet, lightblue. The names are not case sensitive.
sm_ungagbasecommchatAllows the target(s) to use messagemode/say chat again.
sm_unmutebasecommchatAllows the target(s) to use voice chat again.
sm_unsilencebasecommchatPerfoms both an ungag and unmute on the target(s).

Vote Commands

These commands are listed separately as they are all related to voting. None of them are available in war mode by default.

sm_votebasevotesvote [answer1] [answer2] [answer3] ...Starts an arbitrary vote with the given arguments as answers.
sm_votealltalkfunvotesvoteStarts a vote to change the value of sv_alltalk.
sm_votebanbasevotesvote, ban [reason]Starts a vote to ban a single player for thirty minutes.
sm_voteburnfunvotesvote, slayStarts a vote to burn a single player.
sm_votefffunvotesvoteStarts a vote to change the value of mp_friendlyfire.
sm_votegravityfunvotesvote [amount2] [amount3] ...Initiates a vote to change the value of sv_gravity.
sm_votekickbasevotesvote, kick [reason]Starts a vote to kick a single player.
sm_votemapbasevotesvote, map [map2] [map3] ...Starts a vote to change the map.
sm_voteslayfunvotesvote, slayStarts a vote to slay a single player.